To book a reading, product details, or to add your name to Leyla's mailing list!

Sign up to learn more about updates, GiveAways and events by filling out the  below form or to contact Leyla Hur for a reading by leaving a short message!


1926 N. 3rd St., Apt. 200

Flagstaff, AZ 86004


Message example: “I’m looking for a reading..” or “Please add me to your mailing list…”

Ph: 928.233.5618

Just fill out the form below…

    Looking for a spritzer? Please fill out the form *(above) asking for details on pricing and shop locations!

    You can also reach Dr. Leyla Hur through her Social Media links.

    Keep in touch with Leyla and get notifications on Facebook for her upcoming dates/events/workshops and readings!



    …And watch her videos on Youtube! 




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