High in the alpine mountains of Arizona; the energy is Relaxing, Grounding and Transformational.


It is that energy which Leyla wanted to harness, to share with the world. She has achieved this by containing that energy in each bottle of ReLEVEL Smudge Spritzers.


Each bottle begins with freshly collected, direct from the source, Sedona Spring Water. This water is then energized with Reiki and placed on an energetic Purple Power Plate, for 24 hours.


The next step is infusing the energized water with batches of white sage, lavender flowers, and palo santo wood. These batches of water, are then set in the window to capture the energy of the sun, and moon; for several days.

From here; each is filtered to produce pure energized, slightly scented spring water, ready to be created into the scent that you will enjoy in each bottle.


Smudge has long been used in many spiritual ceremonies, by different spiritual practices, around the world.


Most will associate smudging with smoky sage, sweet grass, incense and palo santo wood. Traditionally, these have long shied away people from energetically clearing and cleansing their personal space, and auric field.


ReLEVEL Smudge Spritzers have been created to allow all to enjoy their energy cleansing, soul cleansing, and space cleansing, benefits in a convenient spray bottle, which can be used easily anywhere.


Whether you are unable to tolerate the smoke from traditional smudging, or it’s inconvenient to use in an office space, ReLEVEL Smudge Spritzers releases a gentle and pleasant smelling mist, to help you to immediately adjust the energies around you.


ReLEVEL Smudge Spritzers will relax you, ground you, and transform your energy and the energies around you; so that you too, can enjoy the elevated energies of Arizona’s Highest Peaks.

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