What do you do to challenge and motivate you?
When you have dreams of living a different life, but you are staying static in your daily routine, you simply don’t grow. That is the cold hard fact.
It is only when we allow ourselves to get uncomfortable, by challenging and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone, can we grow.
The famous quote goes, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results”. It doesn’t work. We can only grow in our accomplishments when we step out, of what we find comfortable.
I can’t develop a healthy and fit body by sitting in my chair and watching exercise clips. It’s only when I get myself up and challenge myself to actually DO the exercises, will I experience any benefit and positive change.
So, what do YOU want to accomplish? What growth and positive outcome do YOU want to achieve? What actions are you taking to get out of your comfort zone to accomplish these?
Remember; to create change, we need to get uncomfortable. It is the only way to growth. Once you reach a certain point, you challenge yourself again, and step out of your new comfort zone… then repeat until you grow within your momentum.
Do you want to know a secret? Once you get started and start moving and shaking your energies, you will find yourself more easily growing within your new momentum. Challenges won’t be such a scary and forbidding idea, because you are simply growing within your flow.
This lends to every aspect of your life. Thinking and dreaming, wishing and hoping, will not create any kind of concrete progress. They are simply, dreams. To manifest reality, you must also put in your efforts. Believe me, once you do your part, the Universe responds and delivers and then starts giving you more, in abundance. Then, growth becomes a free flow and you just move along with it.
So… I ask the question again, what are you doing to challenge yourself, and push the boundaries of your comfort zone? Because I assure you, as you keep pushing these boundaries, your personal comfort zone will change, and expand. Then… challenge yourself again.
In my practice working with client’s, I set daily and weekly challenges to my client’s to expand their comfort boundaries; to create positive new outcomes and manifestations for their dreams and desires.
I ask my client’s to write down concrete accomplishment goals based on 1 month, 6 months, 12 months and 5 years. Where do you want to see yourself in those time frames? More importantly, who do you want to be? Who do you want to become? Then set down focus on what small changes you can start implementing in your daily life now to start creating the energy, to lead you to your goals.
You can change your entire life trajectory of tomorrow, by small positive actions you start to embrace and DO, today.
Whether in fitness, life, career, relationships… it all starts with you. Mindset is a huge component to change, but until you take action steps to align with your mindset, you are only projecting an image within your minds dream screen.
Many of you reading this have truly spent a lot of time dreaming manifesting, but not knowing how to get that image off of your minds projection screen, and turning it into reality. Many of you don’t know how to challenge yourself. This is not unusual or uncommon. In these instances, it’s important to seek out a coach for your specific needs, and ALLOW them to challenge you, and help you to push yourself out of your own comfort zone. Often, we don’t recognize our own self created limitations, and this is when a coach with an outside perspective, can help you recognize these limited areas, and push through self created boundaries. It is truly an investment in your Self growth. Permit yourself to be coachable, put in your own effort, and make a complete investment in YOU! You are SO worth it. You deserve this. You can do this!
I am currently accepting new client’s into my introductory 5-week intensive, and 12-week ReLEVEL 1:1 programs. If you are ready to create positive change’s; you are ready to invest in you; you are coachable and are excited to push your own boundaries to success in ReLEVELing your life, please contact my office to set up an initial consulting session. In this 45 min call, we will discuss your needs, what you want to accomplish, your goals; and how I direct my program for you individually to benefit your life, specifically and directly. In this brief connection, we will determine if working together is a right energy “fit”, and how I can help You.
If you are truly sick and tired of living in the definition of insanity, I am here to help you. I look forward to your call, and chatting with you.